I debated what to call this post and in fact, whether to even write it. What's it about? The Nobel Peace Prize of course.
I won't entertain you with a list of previous winners, most of whom barely measure a footnote to history, or even some wonderful choices like
Kofi Annan, or even better Yasser Arafat who actually made his famous speech at the UN with his handgun at his side.
Rather, the title refers to today's society, largely influenced by MTV and the quick cuts of music videos, and instant gratification.
By now, many of you may have heard that Obama was President for all of 11 days when the nomination period for the Peace Prize ended.
That means, that he was considered and nominated in that time. 11 days. Think about this.
What's fascinating is that I spend so much of my time teaching my students that their biggest problem is their need to SLOOOOOOW down.
We read too fast without understanding. We use umms, and likes because we can't stand the sound of silence when we actually allow ourselves
to think. No silent moment of reflection allowed.
The fact that we get fooled by sophistic speaking devices such as "of course we all agree…."; "no one would argue with…"; "it's clear to everyone that…"; "of course we all understand…"
I teach my students that they need to be the ones in the room who say "I don't understand, explain it to ME"; "I don't' see, show me".
I'm sure you've heard the theories about internationalism and the idea of giving the award as a slap to Bush.
I won't opine on those things as my views are pretty well known.
I'll simply leave you with the statements, not of Ron Paul, or Lech Walesa or any one else who finds this a joke, rather here are the words of Joe Klein of Time Magazine, perhaps Obama's biggest supporter in the Mainstream media.
"but let's face it: this prize is premature to the point of ridiculousness. It continues a pattern that holds some peril for Obama: he is celebrated for who he is not, and for who he might potentially be, rather than for what he has actually done. If he doesn't provide results that justify the award, this Nobel will prove a millstone come election time. "
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