Monday, March 16, 2009

SICKENING: Paletinian Authority TV celebrates most murderous terror attack in Israel's history

March 12, 2009
Palestinian Media Watch
PA TV celebrates most murderous
terror attack in Israel's history
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

The most murderous Palestinian terror attack in Israel's history was carried out on March 11, 1978 when a bus was hijacked and 37 civilians were killed. The Palestinian Authority celebrated this attack yesterday on the anniversary of the hijacking, with an hour long TV special about the terror attack. The program included file film of PLO training camps, and interviews with a number of terrorists describing the planning and implementation of
the attack.

The program opened with the narrator glorifying the attack as:

"... one of the most important and most prominent special actions, executed by the Palestinian revolution by sea, on the coast between Haifa and Tel Aviv. This action, which was carried out by a group of heroes and led by the heroic fighter Dalal Mughrabi, had a great impact on continuing events of the Arab-Israeli conflict." [PATV (Fatah) March 11 2009]

For those who fail to note and understand territorial issues. The Palestinians are celebrating an attack on the WEST Coast of Israel. As far from the "territories" or the "Green Line" as there is in that country. The coast mentioned is the Mediterranean coast.

This is what I am frequently referencing as I discuss the Palestinian, and Arab screed of "From the River to the Sea".
Next time you hear a discussion of "Palestinian Lands" hopefully you will understand that, as the charters of Hamas and Fatah both say, this means ALL of what is Israel.

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