Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rooster's Roosted and now they sqauwk

So, President Obama's first call as President was to Mahmoud Abbas.

Just in case you didn't get the message, guess where his first interview as President was. CNN?

MSNBC the official Obama network?

CNN International?

The Washington Post

The official paper of the Obama Administration, the New Obama Times?


Al Arabiya.

That's right. Not even Al Jazeera. He had to go to the More radical of the Arab world's networks.

As I call him the Rubberband man, here for your benefit, the lyrics....

"Hey ya'll prepare yourself for the rubberband man
You've never heard a sound
Like the rubberband man
You're bound to lose control
When the rubberband starts to jam

Oh, this dude is outta sight!
Everything he does seems to come out right"

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