Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hillary's McCain problem.

One of the things that I was hoping to see more of a follow up on was the percentage of Hillary supporters who followed her to Barack, and more directly, Democrats who did so.

As a registered independent, I cannot vote for primary candidates, but I supported Hillary.

I was curious about the crossover effect with her supporters for a much simpler reason than might be assumed.

I don't know the total count, but in the last several years prior to this years election cycle I had seen Hillary and McCain on the various Sunday morning political shows at least half a dozen times together, promoting legislation that they cosponsored, or traveling to Iraq together, etc.

Today, NBC news used a poll that said that 21%^ of those that supported Hillary are planning to vote for McCain.

I don't generally believe these polls, as I tend to find that people do, to a larger degree than in other polls, keep their electoral choices a secret.

But I'm less concerned with the numbers as to the total lack of either side to deal with this sticky issue.

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