Sunday, March 25, 2007

Shatt el Arab Waterway

This weekend approximately 15 British Marines and naval seamen were kidnapped by Iranian Revolutionary guard forces while engaged in drug smuggling interdiction in the Shatt el Arab waterway, the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

This is far from the first time that British (and American) troops have been abducted by the Iranians.

Most of the past incidents have occurred in the desert regions of the borders between Iran and Iraq in areas that could possibly be confused.

The significance of this recent episode though, is that the Iran Iraq war of the 80's was fought largely over the Shatt el Arab waterway, the entrance to the Persian Gulf.

Control of this passage dictates control of the oil into and out of the region.

It may well be that the Iranians are testing the waters, so to speak, to see if they will be able to control this vital link to the region once the British and Americans are gone.

Keep your eyes open for more on this.

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